JoyVille Wiki

Attention JoyVille fans!

This wiki has no staff team and desperately needs one! This means the information on this wiki is unmoderated and could be inaccurate! If you are a fan of JoyVille and would like to keep this wiki alive please message me so I can give you permissions! -FWU Union Leader


JoyVille Wiki
JoyVille Wiki
FANDOM Wikis Union Logo Big

A message to New Users:

Hi Joyville fans! This wiki is currently under emergency control of the Fandom Wikis Union due to most of the Staff members of this wiki quitting. If you are interested in helping this wiki survive, please message an Admin, so they can give you Staff roles, if you're qualified!

Welcome to the Joyville Wiki!

Wiki log

The Joyville Wiki is for the game Joyville!, Edit pages, discuss about it, and learn about the game. Since the first game recently released, and the second is coming soon, you can help us by expanding this community. Join the Official Joyville Discord.

We host 47 Articles and 124 Files. There have been 1,297 Edits We have 14 Active Users.

We're a collaborative community website about the new game, Joyville. Look at new pages, discover how to escape, find secrets! We have them all!
